Public procurement

Apeiron advisory s.r.o. provides professional services for public operators and tenderers who are about to or are already participating in public procurement procedures in the Czech Republic. We will guide through all pitfalls and difficulties of strictly formalized public procurement procedures in the Czech Republic and we will do our best to help you to deliver the results. Our company acts as an administrator under section 151 of Act no. 137/2006 Coll., on public procurement, as amended, and provides complex administration of tenders from drafting tender requirements to possible representation of the client before The Office for Protection of Competition. For tenderers we offer drafting of bids and bespoke counselling on any subsequent matters relating to the tender participation. 

We offer training courses and workshops. Please, click here for more information.


Apeiron advisory s.r.o.
Kaprova 42/14
110 00 Praha

Obchodní korporace založená dle českého práva zapsaná Městským soudem v Praze, vedená pod sp. zn. C 215531, IČ: 02117495

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