For public operators

We mainly provide services in the following areas:

  • Complex representation of the public operator under Act no. 137/2006 Coll., on Public Procurement
  • Assistance in competitions outside the regime of the Act (state aid funds rules, European funds etc.)
  • Publishing in the TED and VVV
  • Counselling on administration of tenders administered by public operators themselves
  • Assistance with drafting decisions on objections, additional information, review of tender documentation
  • Representation before the Office for Protection of Competition
  • Counseling hotline
  • Training courses

Upon mutual agreement, the prices for our services will be always set considering the scope of services provided and complexity of the business case. We are ready to accept your offers for flat fees, fees per case, hourly rate or combination thereof.

Please, do not hesitate to e-mail us at for further information.


Apeiron advisory s.r.o.
Kaprova 42/14
110 00 Praha

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